• New York pollution


    New York is the third biggest city of the americain continent, and with 8 millions habitants(2,7 % of USA global population) it is the most populated town of united states. This considerable density of human activities causes an important pollution. American Lung Association communicates the ranking of air pollution in 25 big cities in USA and new york is the 16th.


    Since some years the new york city department of environmental protection sarted project to fight against the massive pollution, with green activists collaboration and associations.


    We can observe 3 notable types of pollution :



    Nowaday air pollution is one of the most detrimental pollution, certainly the worse. It deteriorates human health, it also generate respiratory troubles and can cause premature death. The new york environmental protection guess 6% of annual deaths in new york are induce by air pollution. Profuse factories , exhaust fumes from cars and fuel-burning sources from electricity centrals are the 3 elements wich engender the majority of air pollution in NY streets. Traffic jam also speed up CO2 emission in located zone.


    As every pollution, air pollution also damage the environment, but it affects all ambiences. The hot weather join to pollution creat fine particulates and ozon formation(O3). The Nature is hurt by this type of pollution, plants and fishes are destroyed by frequent acide rains and the mercury in air.



    2) Garbage problem

    The city contains millions residents and a enormous quantity of human activity like shops, restaurants, building sites or touristic activities. Everyday visitors produce 36 200 tons of garbage and approximately 50 000 tons of waste are generate by commercials and residentials every day. The recuperation of that junks is deficient and now there are piles of ashcan in the streets. The garbage vapors can be noisome,and rats and mouses are attracted by wasted food, this animals proliferate dangerous diseases and viruses so it is serious problem.


    Every days 2500 garbage-truck clean new-york streets and recover 12 000 tons of scraps but just 15% of them are recycling. it is not sufficient; the government would like recycling 30% in 2030.



    3) Sewage overflows

    New york is located in the noth-east of america in a region wich is frequently hurt by storm or gale. when new york is affect by intense rains, gale water overwhelm sewage and increase the water volume in the close rivers. This rise of flow in sewage form runoff of dirty and polluated water. Many runoffes elapse in the sea or in the close river pesky the aquatic fauna and flora and put refuse in the water. As garbage pollution toxic particles inflitrate the grown and deteriorate new york basement


    To prevent this type of pollution a lot of three are erect to decrease the harmful leverage on the aquatic eco-system


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